Sunday, March 28, 2004

Probably my new-found emotional voyeurism is bringing me the truth of my soul, as it is so starkly and blindingly apparent. Make of it what you may, because I sure as hell don't know what to do with it. It must come out... it must be expressed.......

I feel pretty damn good right now. I don't mean now now.. but the overall now. In general, I'm doing okay.

Gentle readers (of which there is probably zero to three maximum,) you must be asking yourself, "Yourself! There a grave error here. Is this not the Kosher Pork Chronicles? Pray then, where is the usual existential angst? What about the emotionally-charged paradoxes? Or even, the psyche-ravaging identity crisis?" Yes, this is still the Kosher Pork Chronicles, home of overly Hebrew-identified homosexual hermit wrestling with his defeatist attitude. I'm still definitely an overly Hebrew-identified homosexual hermit wrestling with his defeatist attitude AND with over-active perchance for drama. Can't forget that.

But, still. I feel pretty good, right now. Today was a lengthy, but serene shift at work. The day in Seattle, after a few days of the trademark cloud-pissing rain, was perfectly clear and sunny. I spent an hour on the highest empty floor of my 47-story building, just looking out over Elliot Bay, the Hills, and Mount Rainier off in the distance, like Vesuvius must have looked to the people of Pompeii.. okay, that's it. I watch too many disaster movies. Anyway. It was gorgeous. I did a full floor patrol, and I walked along, jiggled doorknobs, and kept trying to come up with something wrong with me to ponder over. Somewhere on the 'teens, I realized, I had issues, but they weren't all that right now. I'm doing pretty swell where I am now. Man, they are so going to pull my Amalgamated Angsters and affiliated Broody People union card. And to top it off, now that I feel good, heck if I know what to make of it. Interesting times.


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