Thursday, January 15, 2004

I wonder how many human beings died with their true last words left unspoken, "I never understood the world." It's less a mantra, than a protective axiom. Like a great psychic shield against the brutal absurdity of a world where hairless apes kill each other over petrified dinosaurs, pretty yellow rocks, and privilege to eat first before the rest of the species. A world where who you are matters greatly on who you've been and where you came from. Ants in a disturbed ant hill trying to work as a team to keep the hive together, but every worker is afraid of the warriors, and out of touch with the noble queen. I cried all morning in frustration and anger that I didn't have the right numbers and names to make someone arbitrarily chose me to earn more numbers and names which somehow give me the right to survive. Henry Ford once said that if the American People knew what the banks were really doing them, the rich would all be dead tomorrow. They made a supreme deity that is the Great Father who decides if we've done right at society's dinner table, or we go to the dirt bed without our dessert serving of salvation. H.L. Mencken defined the Creator as a Comedian whose audience is afraid to laugh. I think that's what I've forgotten again. To laugh. To be the Laughing Buddha. Comedy is really just philosophy with better punchlines. The only way to get dessert is to eat myself alive for the main course after drinking every drop of my social sewage. Power to the person, because people have enough power already. Praise be to St. Shemp. No-one really remembers him when they list the Three Stooges, but that didn't make him be any less funny. Praise be to St. Shemp, the Lost Stooge. Maybe when Jesus does return, they'll find him with a giant tub of popcorn and some Raisinettes, in some Midwestern theatre showing a Charlie Chaplin festival. I came, I saw, I made fun of you. Why would I want to understand the world? If I did, I'd run out of reasons to laugh. I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille.


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