Tuesday, May 10, 2005

3 hours since I left work, convinced I would go home, and here I am at my second coffeehouse and still in my embarrassingly polyester workpants. I burnt through my spare battery (I’m plugged in here) just writing my angst-ridden soul out on my blog and then forgetting that I was offline or something so that I lost everything I had disgorged on the page. Now I can’t properly connect to Blogger and I’m working off Word, and eating an overpriced grilled cheese sandwich. I should be deeply pissed about losing that entry, but I’m not. Still, I wrote some meaningful stuff there that explained a lot of how I am thinking right now, but the problem is that I was writing how I am thinking now. The meaning ended up being wrapped in a combo of ornately worded pap and over-stylized preaching. Still trying to be the heretic convincing others of how good his apostasy is, as a means to support his dogma.
But I will sum up the really good ideas that I worked on in the lost entry. Actually, it’s just one, really. Doesn’t take more than one to make me wander aimlessly around in my workpants. And it is this:
True heresy is an act of spiritual anarchy. Spiritual act is an act of one who answers to no higher authority and who is undivided inside himself.
Going to leave it at that for now… I can tell I’ll just grind the idea into the ground if I try to explain it again. I think I will walk again.

“There is no authority but yourself.” Sticker posted over my desktop monitor, found at one of the Bay Area Anarchist Bookfairs.

Oh hey... Blogger is back up. So here is the stuff. Something tells me I won't be home for awhile anyway. But I should change my pants.


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