Sunday, May 01, 2005

I formally inaugurate this posting as the first true wireless post to the KPC. Yes, Gentlebeings All, we have finally reached the must vaunted wireless age, where humans can properly and expeditiously place anything shameless and narcisstic onto the web with the ease of the aether. I feel so goshdarn privileged to be a part of this new massive waste of informational space with the flurry of unsubstantiated opinion and irrational precognition that shall be rivalled only by the sheer tsunami of pure delusion put forth by the 21st century media. Oh the power now at my fingertips, to join humanity in its great quest for judging by trivia and superstition instantaneously, and sharing it with the great masses who will never read or hear a word from the new prophets. Okay, now I am choked up, and words fail me now. Just stay tuned for the new transcendent heresy to come.


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