Monday, April 25, 2005

Just a short secondary Passover dispatch from Texas.. the weirdest moment of this trip wasn't actually Jew-related. I was driving my mom's Volvo today to take the maid home (I know, I come from very bougie Heebies, what can I say?) and marvelling how different the part of town I grew up in is now. I put on KTRU, which is Rice University's college alternative, just as I turned onto the main street that runs past the front of my old high school. I barely recognize it from the front now, as they did some renovations, but as I passed it, I looked back, as saw the renovations were only a veneer to hide the same ugly beige buildings from my days there. Don't worry, I won't wax poetic on the symbolism of that. They could raze the school, and I'd still spit on the pavement of the parking lot they turn it into. But for that brief moment, alone in a car, with KTRU on, and speeding past the high school, I was caught in a short seconds-long stasis of an utter detachment from reality, where time was something to fear, like back then. Okay, shit.. so I waxed a little poetically. But in the end, I swore in Yiddish and turned up TMBG on the radio, and left high school behind again. Least physically.


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