Monday, August 09, 2004

I came. Ikea. I conquered. New desk, two bookcases, shelving unit, and chest of drawers. It reeks of permanence that should make me do the jig of joy. Then I get a weekend full of migraine, with a full-blown attack on Saturday night so bad that the Woman had to call in to work for the next day for me. I came to know the porcelain all too well that night. Anyway, I don't believe it was some random strike of heredity, even on the genetic family map, I am a cul-de-sac. I went out this morning to buy my monthly transit pass, and I found myself totally out of synch with the reality around me. Work is going to be interesting... if I don't get fired for missing yet more time, that is. I'd like to think they wouldn't since I'm "skilled" for the the site I work, but so could a crazed half-blind baboon, given three days of training. Well, if it could hold back on the flinging feces thing, and trust me, it's hard to fight the urge to toss your own poop at a supervisor some shifts.
I keep hoping all this ebb and flow is simply growing pains. That it is some linear development, leading upward to greater progress. But, then if three hours of reexperiencing my last two meals is just a minor stage, what is a major stage? Good grief. Oh well. Such is life, yes?


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