Thursday, July 15, 2004

Parents are here. Spent the day with them. Usually these times are freakish and dichotomous, but this visit is plainly surreal. Hard to say more than that. Not that it is a bad surreal. It's like I've survived the last lightning round in the son-parent competition, and now I'm getting the tour of this show's grand prize package. A full glimpse of reality along with a year's supply of Turtle Wax. Well, we'll see what happens when I spend a whole day of travel and lavender farm tours with them.
Weirdest thing is how revitalizing their presence is, to my life overall. Maybe that's the belt of reality. The presence of my parents lend an external substance to my independence, like them coming here unconsciously affirms the reality of my independence, and they have had to accept it. I know I shouldn't be relying on external affirmation. But damn, it feels funky good.


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