Friday, November 28, 2003

Well, hope all had a Give Thanks that We Had Firearms, and the Native Population Didn't Day. I love American holidays, donchaknow.

We had a small gathering of household members and extended "family" for the traditional meal. I was the odd man out in meal preparation and such, so I shared by writing and delivering the following festive Thanksgiving invocation:

"Bless all in this house, and peace onto all intelligent beings, which of course doesn't include George W. Bush. Today we give thanks , especially thanks for antacid and post-meal naps. But today we should offer greater thanks for the wondrous in our lives. We should give thanks that American election ballots aren't scratch-and-sniff. We should give thanks for Liberal Studies, since so many of us can't do the math. We should give thanks we know that The Almighty, Praise Be, has a sense of humor or how else could we explain politics, society, and John Tesh. I could enumerate many things to be thankful for, but in the end, the best thanks are reserved for the fellowship here at this table, and for the hope that such togetherness will continue for us all the year through, and spread to all others."


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