Friday, October 03, 2003

4 days to the special California recall election. Arnold Schwarzenegger is acting like he's already won it. The polls contradict each other, and say one one clear thing, that no-one knows how this will turn out. Personally, even though I am voting No on the Recall, and Yes for the Green Party's candidate, Peter Camejo, I'm pretty sure it will end up with Davis recalled and the no-experience Austrian bodybuilder in Sacramento. That would be the damn silliest thing that could happen, and little so far has contradicted my basic theory of history, that being when humans are faced with choices that may change history, they pick the damn silliest thing. Still, I hope that I will be disappointed and this will all end with the Republicans blowing a crapload of money on a total political washout. It will come down much to the suburban vote, and the average suburbanite seems to be afraid of anything that rocks the boat. In the October 13th In These Times an article explores a recent psychological study, that finds conservative voters are motivated to believe in anything that will reduce fear and anxiety of a changing world. But then, I believe that politics in general is humans trying to get other humans to make them feel less afraid. Democrats vote for wishywashy centrist candidates because they they fear voting more radical will help keep Republicans in power. Progressives vote because they are afraid that the two major parties will just keep screwing up. And just about everyone is afraid of the Anarchists.
Meshuggeneh Velt. Crazy World.
Then again I'm voting for a guy who doesn't have a chance, because I fear not voting with my conscience.


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