Friday, September 12, 2003

September 11 has come and gone, though the talking heads on cable are still "exploring the tragedy." I wrote this at work, and after seeing how many channels are "exploring the tragedy," I decided I definitely needed to transcribe what I wrote at work, although it was so busy. We had three bike messengers in one hour! I'm utterly exhausted. Here we go...

Two years since 9/11. Just thinking of what has followed since then, nearly threw me off writing this entry. It is easy enough to work myself into a righteous froth and harangue anyone within a short range over their part in the response to this unmitigated tragic event. Made even easier by the soul-rending absurdity of the tragedy and its aftermath involving two particular insanity I loathe: Blind militaristic nationalism and irrational religious zealotry. Add in aggressive and short-sighted avarice and you have the three stooges of geopolitics. These are hard times for the humorist when naked absurdity of a select few doing unmistakably insane things with and to the fearful many, because being right is a power to be gained and held at an any cost. You can make reality if you have a good enough credit rating. And if there is anything I've learned growing up in a proper Jewish household, is to never underestimate the force that can be generated to prove yourself right, even when not.
Anyway, give it a week and the talking heads will be too busy diverting attention onto some other issue, like the latest cute white suburban girl kidnapping or how everything wrong in the universe can be laid at Clinton's feet. Back to the empty symbols clashing over a dissonant chorus chanting verbose arrangements that don't match the actual song, but do agree with the conductors.


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