Friday, July 04, 2003

I celebrate the day of American freedom by enjoying my last few days from new work incarceration. I spend it in front of the God TV, my 40 inch stereo set. Some people go off a few days to seek truth and to find their spirit animal guides. I am doing this, even if I am more searching for my spirit vegetable.

My best friend in San Francisco, Jim the Elder is coming by for our weekly Friday Night discourse. I know alot of Jims, and this Jim is a 73 year old intellectual fellow, so the reasoning for calling him Jim The Elder becomes clear. He is a remarkable man with a remarkable mind. I hope to have my mind that sharp at the age. I recommend that if you seek others to enhance your life experience that you should find a friend in an elderly free thinker. When the younger intelligensia, myself included, get together to discuss the mysteries of man and the universe, fiery principled passion tends to replace actual intellectual reasoning. The flow of memes between someone old and young can manifest itself in a dynamic balance of passion and reason. That and Jim the Elder just happens to be a really nice guy.

"Good people are good because they've come to wisdom through failure." William Saroyan


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