Friday, June 10, 2005

We must have some influence on reality, since I somehow made my laptop connect to the German Tavern's server (a task which has failed the last three times I have been here.) I know its not my technological savvy.


I really have to broaden my social net, or something, like the Woman. Her live Journal must have a great plethora of readers, and many friends have attached themselves to her blog. My Blogger, which I keep a counter on, had three visits today. One was me checking on how many visitors, and the other two were The Woman.

I've always been fascinated by "fringe theology," or the study of the (sometimes very) alternative modern expressions of religious exploration, everything from the darkly cultic, to the splinters from the major religions, even, the solo players, out there trying to get their sacred visions heard. I have to face facts that in a sense, I'm just another solo player, out there, even if I am trying to get my more secular and/or metaphysical vision out there. So I guess I feel a strange affinity. Then, you have to try to picture how way out there the first practicioners of those now accepted religions must have sounded. Just the idea of ONE god. What a downer, only having one god, and one that you'll really never see, and no big ritual parties to boot? No wonder the Mesopotamians, the Romans, and the Bedouins must have said, "Screw that!" to the vision of Abraham, Jesus, and Mohammed. So in the end, you never know. In that vein, I present to you a link for a local prophet and perfected being whose rambling and polyglotic writings have graced the pages of two of the free Seattle alternative weeklies. Apparently, he managed to open an organic food business at the right time here, a number of years ago, and now can afford to buy multiple full page ads to grace us with his new vision of the coming future. Man, if you can afford it, go for it.
I doubt you will want to read the full article/advertisements, but you should. It's a rich symbolic narrative. Even if he comes across as an older gay guru who believes himself to be the son of the new God, and advocates religious services which are either incestous polysexual menages, or a room full of naked boys masturbating. Enjoy.


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