Friday, August 01, 2003

I've developed some kind of post-blister thing on my foot, placed perfectly that every time I take a step, a jolt of pain rides up my leg. It's probably developed from all the damn standing I have to do, which doesn't help heal it either. I know I cut such a noble swath, hobbling around in my monkey suit on rounds. I've done everything to keep my back from giving me problems, so something goes wrong with my foot. Some people have bodies for agility, some have bodies for vitality.. I have a body for catastrophe. Least my mind is sharply twisted as always. To keep my head off the pain in my foot, I tried to contemplate deep important thoughts, but that failed. In the end, I got through the aching with hamsters. I kept imagining hamsters. Hamsters on motorcycles. Hamsters on motorcycles re-enacting the town scene from The Wild One. Luckily by the time I was about to hear a Marlon Brando squeak out "What kind have you got?" I got to sit down.

All for the cash. All for the cash. Speaking of that, I had my digital cable killed today to save 35 a month. I still have basic, but for a TV junkie like myself, that is like trying to kill the cravings for heroin with mexican dirtweed. I've lost TCM, IFC, and Sundance. I'm already starting to twitch. Even worse, they don't even have cable in the house in Seattle. I shall surely perish from the lack of distraction.


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